**Not weight loss related at all**
So...I sort of had a 'come to Jesus' moment a few weeks back, and starting exploring the quality of the people in my life. It's basically a slap into reality when you have several life-long friends, stop, look at you and go "Hey, you know I really don't get your friend X, all they do is puts you down" or "Hey your friend Z is a big classless mental whore, what's that about?". Let's be clear about something. I'm one of the least judgemental people in the world. If someone I am friends with happens to be a big whore, I don't much care, cause I'm not about to be slutting it up with him/her (too much Catholic guilt). If I feel he/she is a good person at their core, then I'm all for being friends and tend to explain why I don't think giving a bj on every first date is a good idea (#truestory).
But here's the thing. I'm not really down for acting like a drunken college kid at this stage of my life. I'm not struggling with a minimum wage job while still trying to live like I'm Carrie Bradshaw. I'm working on my fitness, loving my well-paying young professional job and weighing my options for a real adult relationships. Yeah, I'm working on my fitness/eating habits, but for the most part I really do like myself as a person. I've worked hard to get where I wanted to get. And there are friends who don't seem to be growing at the same mental pace as I am. Part of me feels like I'm being a bitch for thinking like this.....
But then another part of me thinks, no, this is just my path now. I'm not abandoning every friend. Just 2. And it sucks, because at their core, they are great, kind people. But they have more growing to do...and I can't wait for them to grow...because I honestly don't know if they ever will. They are content to live their life as is.
Either way, it makes me sad, but I know it's what I'm needing to do at this stage of my life.
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